Group Guidelines

The following guidelines will ensure that this support group is a safe place to expose yourself to others and receive the support you need for life long recovery.

1. Focus on your own thoughts and feelings.

We are here to do heart work on ourselves, by becoming brutally honest with God, ourselves and others. The goal is to bring everything in your heart and mind into the light of God’s presence. Therefore, we share from our personal experience strength and hope in “I” and “me” statements, not “you” or ‘we” statements. Please limit your sharing to three to five minutes, so everyone can participate.

2. Refrain from cross-talk. 

We respect one another by refraining from feedback or comments to other members of the group. Our primary role is to listen and identify areas in ourselves that relate with the person sharing, to get in touch with our struggles, as we continue in our recovery.

3. Avoid giving advice to others.

We are not here to “fix” one another. We are here to provide a safe place where we can honestly share our feelings with one another free of fear and judgement. Therefore, we do not give advice or provide any sort of counseling within the small group dynamic.

4. Maintain anonymity and confidentiality at all times. 

The bedrock of this group is trust. Therefore, we do not to share any information discussed within the group outside of the group. If anyone threatens to hurt themselves or others, the Small Group Leader has the responsibility to report it to the Recovery-Group Leader.

5. Trust the Holy Spirit is working.

We believe that that Holy Spirit is working in and through the group as we remove all of our inhibitions and transparently open our hearts to God and one another.