Join Us Onsite or Online Every Sunday @ 10am

Recognizing both our need to gather and our emphasis on health, we wanted to share with you what to expect both onsite and online so you and your family can make the best decisions during this present season of social and personal challenge.

Onsite – Indoors
• You can gather with us in two main ways. First, you can join us in a regularly cleaned, socially-distanced and mask-required space inside on a first-come, first-seated basis with special seating possible for any new visitors. In honor of each other and in respect to NJ law, you’ll need to bring a mask and maintain social distance. Don’t worry – our worship space is pre-mapped to make accommodating you and your family quick and easy, and if you forget your mask we can provide you with one.
• Our restrooms are sanitized after every use and hand hygiene is practiced by everyone you’ll meet on our staff and volunteer teams.
• Currently our ministry to kids and nursery care is paused to ensure the safety of all participants. Children are welcome to join us in the service, with those older than three encouraged to wear masks as well.

Onsite – Outdoors and Overflow
• GBC has a large tent overflow with services livestreamed every Sunday. Many families choose this option due to a desire for more space, ease of use and personal preference. You may bring non-shareable food and drink outside as well, provided you take any litter with you upon exit.
• Outside we follow NJ recommendations of safe practice, in which face coverings are only required if social distancing is not possible.
• There is no limit to our outdoor capacity per NJ law.
• In case of inclement weather, you’ll be clearly directed to a second indoor overflow space.
• GBC has several large recreational fields, a horse corral and a playground for families with children considering this option, although parents are responsible for supervision of children.

• You can join us online for live services every Sunday at 10am with 24/7 access during the week at the links to the right of your screen. Comment, share, like and engage with us on our digital campus – we would love to see you!

GBC Indoor Policy
GBC Outdoor Policy