His Presence: A Women’s Conference

Speaker: Karen DeBeus

Spend the day with other women as we dig deep into learning about His Presence in our lives.

We will learn about how our unique personal stories and our stories together are for His purposes and His Glory.

Our stories are not about us, but about Him in us.

Often we spend too much time looking back, or worrying about the future, and not enough time in His Presence right now. The key to growing is being in His Presence.

And no matter what you have been through or where you are going, His Presence has always been with you and will always be with you.

We will have times of teaching, worship, discussion, prayer, and more.

More details will be forthcoming.

Lunch will be provided.

*Please note: Childcare is not provided

Register today!

$10 ticket includes a light lunch. Please feel free to bring snacks or your own lunch if you have allergies or concerns.